"Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household." - Acts 16:31 NIV
"Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved" - Acts 16:31 NIV

Star Valley Christian Church Survey

The Star Valley Christian Church is here to serve you, our community, and the rest of the world in as many ways as we can. In an effort to get to know & better serve you, we have created a short survey below. By completing and submitting the survey, you will be helping us to get to know your current concerns, both personal and community-wide, along with your hopes with regards to our role in the community. This brief survey should only take a few minutes of your time. We thank you in advance for your help and cooperation!

    Please fill all required fields before submitting the survey.
    * Indicates a required field.

    2. Would you be interested in any of the following:

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